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DB2 DBA Administration Training at FuturePointtech - Ohio
DB2 DBA Administration Training at FuturePointtech
IBM Db2 DBA Administration Lesson 1: Installation and the DB2 Editions Db2 products and product components Installation Lesson 2: The DB2 Environment Creation of instance Creation of database Lesson 3: Tools Db2 control center Db2 task center Db2 clp Db2 diagnostics Db2 snapshots Db2 problem determination Lesson 4: Architecture Memory model Buffer pools Hard parsing Soft parsing Tips and techniques Lesson 5: Connectivity Establish client server connectivity Lesson 6: Working with database objects Creating table spaces Creating tables Creating users Creating indexes,views,aliases Lesson 7: Data movement Export Import Load Db2move Lesson 8: Security Authentication Authorizations Concurrency and locking Lesson 9: Backup & Recovery Hot backup Cold backup Types of hot backup (database level and table space level ) Recovery scenarios :- Crash recovery Version recovery Roll forward recovery Dropped table recovery and few more Lesson 10: Maintenance Reorg Runstats Reorgchk Optimizer ,advisor and binding Lesson 11 : Troubleshooting and guide lines on performance tuning Analyzing errors using diagnostics and notification files Approaching db2support [Raising a PMR with IBM ] Some Imp advanced concepts specifically for DATA WARE HOUSING ENVIRONMENTS [OLAP] Lesson 13 : Introduction to Partitioning features [Table,data and Database] BCU [Balance configuration unit] E7100 architecture ISAS [IBM smart analytics system ] E7700 architecture Lesson 14 : Enhancement and advantages of using different version of DB2 V9 and V 10 What’s new Db2 version 9.1 Db2 version 9.5 Db2 version 9.7 Db2 version 9.8 Db2 version 10 Courses Offerings • Abinitio • Android • AIX Administration • Business Ana Drop a mail [email protected] we will get in touch with u Orginally Posted at:
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